Minecraft Party

Printables By Creative Little Stars

What was said about the party...

We learnt lots about this game! We created a Brewing Station so the kids could make their own ‘Potions’ and themed the food around the game using choc crackle and oat bars for coal, pizza, brownies, gold coins, TNT twists  etc and decorated with the precious blue diamonds.  Fake grass and a brown tablecloth created the Minecraft vibe on the food table. We designed and had the backdrops printed on fabric and created the cube tree and creeper decorations. We made character photo props and made the birthday boy a diamond and gold necklace. Favour boxes had Creeper faces and were filled with Coal, TNT and gold and a wristband party favour. We kept everything ‘square’ like the pixels in the game . Our favourite decoration is the Steve in the middle of the food table – he was made using the minecraft inspired printables from www.creativelittlestars.com as were the food labels and triangular birthday banner.   Dream a little Dream also designed the invitation.

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